The History of Medicare Supplemental Insurance in Arizona

There are several types of Medicare insurance plans in Arizona, and choosing the right one for you should not be difficult. For you not to make mistakes and to make the very best decision, you need to know the basics of health insurance and the important considerations you should take when selecting an Arizona health insurance provider. Here are some pointers.

First, you should understand what Medicare insurance is. Medicare insurance is a must for everyone and for a very good reason: it blankets you against the high costs of treatment and hospitalization. When you have Medicare insurance, your health insurance provider (also called the insurer) pays the medical costs you may incur when you become sick or injured. Surveys show that about 85% of Americans are covered by health insurance, which is provided by their employers, themselves, or government agencies.

You should also understand the different types of Arizona health insurance. Just like in most other states, health insurance in Arizona generally comes in three categories.

Individual and family coverage is a type of plan that insures a principal and his or her dependents. A father or mother of a household, for example, can act as the principal, and his or her children are considered dependents. A medical insurer will assess the medical history of the principal and all dependents before agreeing to provide insurance.

There are also small business health plans in Arizona, available to small companies with two to fifty employees. Unlike individual and family coverage, small business health insurance is not medically underwritten. Employees of the business need not be subjected to medical exams before insurance is granted, provided that the company complies with certain requirements.

Finally, there is the Medicare supplement available to individuals with Medicare. There are certain times when Medicare offers guaranteed issue opportunities, and you should take advantage of such opportunities if you don't want to have to go through medical evaluation in order to get coverage.
Preliminary procedures for each plan vary, but as a general rule, you will be asked to fill out a comprehensive medical history form and write down all the ailments you have ever been treated for; identify your family's history of diseases; declare if you smoke and if you are over- or underweight; and respond to many other health-related questions. Also, remember that different insurance plans vary in terms of coverage and cost. Consult a licensed health insurance agent or do thorough research before signing up for any plan.

At eMedicare Supplemental Insurance we specialize in selling supplemental plans. We understand choosing the right plan can be tedious. That’s why we have a number of different ways to access information. You can read more about supplemental plans and even get a free quote at or call and talk with a licensed agent at 888-404-5049. We hope to help you soon!


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